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12/16/06 Meeting Notes
We had the last 2006 meeting on 12/16. Wendi took notes for the questions asked during the meeting as follows:
2006/12/16 問題:
1. 孔子教過多少學生?
2. 為什麼要等年紀大一點才適合學習易經? 是不是學過易經之後, 會更會算命?
3. ‘善’ 與 ‘不善’ 有怎麼標準?
4. 如何選擇什麼是’善事’,什麼不是’善事’?
5. 一個人的自信與傲慢的界線在那裡?
6. 在管理上, 要執行一項工作,是要全體達到共識, 或是由管理上層來決定後執行,那一個方式比較好?
2006/12/16 問題:
1. 孔子教過多少學生?
2. 為什麼要等年紀大一點才適合學習易經? 是不是學過易經之後, 會更會算命?
3. ‘善’ 與 ‘不善’ 有怎麼標準?
4. 如何選擇什麼是’善事’,什麼不是’善事’?
5. 一個人的自信與傲慢的界線在那裡?
6. 在管理上, 要執行一項工作,是要全體達到共識, 或是由管理上層來決定後執行,那一個方式比較好?
Meeting 12/16/06
We had very good turn out on our year-end potluck on 12/09. Thank you for the great offering from everyone.
Since many members were busy cooking and can not attend the discussion class, we change it to open subject discussion. We will resume with the selected topics on 12/16.
Since many members were busy cooking and can not attend the discussion class, we change it to open subject discussion. We will resume with the selected topics on 12/16.
12/09/06: Meeting & Potluck Invite 國學經典讀書會 Chinese Classics Reading Club
Happy 1st Anniversary to the Chinese Classics Reading Club! Our Club was started in last November with 7-8 attendees. We now have 50+ members and maintain an average of 17-21 attendees in each meeting. The interest is much more than what we expected.
Confucius said, "Virtue is not left to stand alone. He who practices it will have neighbors." or said: "If you are virtuous, you will not be lonely. You will always have friends."
子曰:「德不孤, 必有鄰。」
To celebrate the first anniversary of the Reading Club, we would like to invite you and your friends to join us for a potluck lunch and gathering this Saturday, 12/09/06. The lunch will be held immediately after the reading club meeting at 12:00 noon in Room #205 of SCCCC. It would be greatly appreciated if every one could bring one of their favorite dishes to share with us. We look forwarding to seeing every one there!
Reading Discussion: 12/09/06, Saturday, 10AM - 12 Noon
Location: Room#205, 9 Truman, Irvine / South Coast Chinese Cultural Center
Study Contents:
Confucian Analects,
Book 7. Shu R, Chapter 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24
論語, 述而篇第七, 第18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24章
Contacts: 黃世明 院長 (Mr. Hwang 949-857-0277)
鍾梅馨 ( May Wen, 949-551-6957)
Best wishes,
May Wen
鍾梅馨 敬上
P.S. Potluck signup list as of 11/25/06:
Main Dish
翁一峰, 黃遠光, 柯淑真,陳美娥, 黃亞麗
黃院長/夫人 (veggie)
黃院長/夫人 (Salad)
梁月嬌 (Fruit), 王如炫 (Fruit/Jello)
黃惠鈴(Green Tea Jello)鍾梅馨 (Pumpkin Roll)
陳寓九, 黃惠鈴
樂星塵, 黃亮綸, 郭秀梅
黃院長/夫人(veggie Sushi),金秀蘭(Organic Stir Fried Rice)
Confucius said, "Virtue is not left to stand alone. He who practices it will have neighbors." or said: "If you are virtuous, you will not be lonely. You will always have friends."
子曰:「德不孤, 必有鄰。」
To celebrate the first anniversary of the Reading Club, we would like to invite you and your friends to join us for a potluck lunch and gathering this Saturday, 12/09/06. The lunch will be held immediately after the reading club meeting at 12:00 noon in Room #205 of SCCCC. It would be greatly appreciated if every one could bring one of their favorite dishes to share with us. We look forwarding to seeing every one there!
Reading Discussion: 12/09/06, Saturday, 10AM - 12 Noon
Location: Room#205, 9 Truman, Irvine / South Coast Chinese Cultural Center
Study Contents:
Confucian Analects,
Book 7. Shu R, Chapter 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24
論語, 述而篇第七, 第18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24章
(18) 葉公問孔子於子路,子路不對。子曰:「女奚不曰:『其為人也,發憤忘食,樂以忘憂,不知老之將至云爾!』」
(19) 子曰:『我非生而知之者,好古,敏以求之者也。』
(20) 子不語:怪、力、亂、神。
(21) 子曰:「三人行,必有我師焉。擇其善者而從之;其不善者而改之。」
(22) 子曰:「天生德於予,桓魋其如予何?」
(23) 子曰:「二三子以我為隱乎?吾無隱乎爾!吾無行而不與二三子者,是丘也。」
(24) 子以四教:文、行、忠、信。
Potluck: 12/09/06, Saturday, 12 Noon – 3PMContacts: 黃世明 院長 (Mr. Hwang 949-857-0277)
鍾梅馨 ( May Wen, 949-551-6957)
Best wishes,
May Wen
鍾梅馨 敬上
P.S. Potluck signup list as of 11/25/06:
Main Dish
翁一峰, 黃遠光, 柯淑真,陳美娥, 黃亞麗
黃院長/夫人 (veggie)
黃院長/夫人 (Salad)
梁月嬌 (Fruit), 王如炫 (Fruit/Jello)
黃惠鈴(Green Tea Jello)鍾梅馨 (Pumpkin Roll)
陳寓九, 黃惠鈴
樂星塵, 黃亮綸, 郭秀梅
黃院長/夫人(veggie Sushi),金秀蘭(Organic Stir Fried Rice)
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