
12/29 特別聚會-『談天說地』

Dear Members & Friends:

This is to confirm that we are having a special presentation on 12/29/07. Please share the information below with your friends. Hope to see you there.

Date/Time: 12/29/07, Saturday, 10 AM - 12 Noon
Presenter: Mr. Hwang (黃世明 院長)
Topics: Open Discussions on Health, Meditation/Chi-Gung & the Vast-Chi/Great-Spirit, Fortune Telling, Life & Death, and the Six Senses & Wisdom (健康, 靜坐/氣功與浩然之氣, 命運, 生死, 六識與智慧.) Since time is limited and there is a wide range of topics, the direction of the discussion and the topics emphasized will be determined by your questions.

Location: Room# 205, 9 Truman, Irvine / South Coast Chinese Cultural Center
Contacts: 黃世明 院長 (Mr. Hwang: 949-857-0277)
鍾梅馨 (May Wen: 949-551-6957)
Next 2 meetings: 1/12/08, 1/26/08

A flyer in Chinese for this special presentation and one for the Reading Club’s adult and youth classes are also attached. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Thank you.

Best Regards,
May Wen

記得嗎?曾經,我們舉辦過一場由黃院長世明主講的『漫談知人識人』 專題講座,大家踴躍參與,擠滿了會場;大家悉心聆聽,充 實又愉悅;大家熱烈回響,盼下次再續。

知道嗎?大智慧讀書會開辦至今,已屆二載。課堂上,大家共同研讀 論語,至聖先師如在目前,心領神會,學有所得;大家暢談 心得,分享經驗,每每給予在座者莫大的激盪與收穫。

好消息!由於兩年來在課堂上,同學們經常提出一些大家所關心問 題,希望能有更多的時間來討論,故特恭請黃院長主持一場 別開生面的座談會,以開放式多言堂的問答方式進行,俾使 大家得以盡情發問,深入探討,互相分享。 您對健康、靜坐/氣功與浩然之氣、命運/生死、六識與智慧… 等相關議題有興趣嗎?您有一些疑問想提出來討論嗎?您 在某方面有所體悟而願意和大家分享嗎?讓我一起來共享 這歲終的盛宴吧
歡迎您!在這豐富感恩的歲末-- 12月29日(星期六)10AM-12PM,期待您移駕南海岸中華文化中心(爾灣中文學校)205室,讓我們大家ㄧ起敞開心房,在新的一年即將來臨時,有個充滿知性的交流。
大智慧讀書會導讀講師 魏仲莉敬邀