
2/28/09 Reading Club meeting reminder 大智慧經典讀書會 研討通知

Below is a friendly reminder of our next meeting on February 28, 2009. Please share the information with your family or friends and invite them to join us. Hope to see you there.

Irvine Reading Club:

Date & Time: 2/28/09, Saturday, 10AM - 12 Noon
Location: Room# 205, 9 Truman, Irvine / South Coast Chinese Cultural Center

Study Contents:

大學 首章 (Continue)

The proceeding chapter of the Great Learning

Contacts: 黃世明 院長 (Mr. Hwang 949-857-0277)

魏仲莉老師: (Teacher Wei 949-350-7860)

鍾梅馨 (May Wen, 949-551-6957)

Next meetings: 3/14/09 & 3/28/09

Blog Site: http://ade-ccrc.blogspot.com

Reference Site: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/health0108/

發一崇德讀經教育全球資訊網: http://www.read.org.tw/

Best Regards,

May Wen


